MyPass recently hosted a roundtable event to connect industry leaders and listen to the "Contractor’s Perspective" on reducing operational costs and driving productivity through collaboration and innovation. 

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Here are the seven key takeaways from the discussion:

Building and maintaining trust is fundamental to successful partnerships between hiring clients and their contractors. Alignment needs to happen at all levels, from the executive through to the workers at the coalface. Whilst this can be challenging to achieve with turnover of hiring client and contractor staff, creating win-win outcomes from a position of trust is the first essential building block towards success. The right mindset to have is ‘for the client to be successful, the contractor needs to be successful”.

Rewarding productivity and safety improvements is a great way to create alignment of desired outcomes. Instead of arm's-length, ‘power by the hour,’ labour hire style engagements, UGL and Applus+ shared examples of where target cost estimates and unit-rate commercial models have resulted in total cost reduction for their clients. The learnings from completing similar work scopes were then applied to other locations. This approach requires more detailed planning to take place, but it creates a baseline to then continually improve upon. And the good news is that top performers on your site will be intrinsically motivated to beat a target, whether it be time, cost, quality or safety!

Ineffective planning as a key contributor to downstream inefficiencies has been a key theme at previous MyPass roundtable events. A vicious cycle is created when planning is not thorough, and work scopes are not locked down in advance of the shutdown, turnaround, project or campaign. To compensate for poor planning, Planners build a buffer into their resource requests, then contractors over provision to cater for drop-offs. This ‘double buffer’ means that casual workers can be declined work at the last minute, so it is not surprising that they hedge their bets by saying “yes” to multiple overlapping jobs. Often work schedules are thrown out on day two of the project because not enough workers have turned up. This leads to increased planning buffers the next time around, which reinforces this inefficient cycle. The solution is simple - plan better (ideally with integrated contractor teams), and adhere to program lock dates. Hiring competent Planners is not so simple, but it is worth every cent. 

Industry-level scheduling will help to avoid resource conflicts and create better outcomes for workers, contractors and their hiring clients. A central calendar of key shutdown, turnaround and project dates would enable better resource coordination across companies. This would lead to less sparring over skilled and semi-skilled workers within the region and create job security for workers through continuous rosters throughout the year. 

A further benefit of synchronising major works through a central calendar, is that it would level the playing field for smaller operators that are currently competing against larger players with established core teams. Local governments or governing industry bodies could be the central, coordinating forces. If the Gladstone Engineering Alliance (GEA) can achieve this, then why not others?

Mobilisation of workers has improved significantly for those organisations who are prepared to move away from spreadsheets and embrace the latest technology. Applus+ is a great example of an innovative company that has invested in MyPass to manage its permanent, core, casual and contingent worker pools. Using MyPass’s Resourcing Module, they proactively support their national client base to ensure that the right workers with the right skills are deployed. 

The result is “mobilisation compliance at 100%, 100% of the time”.  Applus+ removed their dependence upon highly skilled mobilisation coordinators and have managed to re-allocate nearly 80% of that team onto higher-value-adding activities. 

For the client to be successful, the contractor needs to be successful.

Embracing industry-wide standardisation of training and competency requirements can have far-reaching benefits, including improving safety performance, reducing the risk of human errors and regulatory violations, and creating a straightforward induction and mobilisation process.

We have already seen successful initiatives like Verisafe and Safer Together opt for standardised competencies across their respective industries. Given the external threats to certain sectors (such as Energy and Mining), there is increasing appetite to collaborate when it comes to common inductions (like the ISI) and common medicals (such as the Fitness to Work Medical Assessment). MyPass is supportive of these initiatives and will continue to play its unique role as the industry ‘system of record’ via portable worker-owned Skills Passports.  

Leaders need to empower and respect workers, regardless of whether they are their direct employees or contract workers. The old-school mindset that ‘contractors are an interchangeable line item on my P&L’ will be felt in the field and won’t drive the right behaviours. When great results are achieved on site, it isn’t always about financial recognition. Most workers (quite rightly) consider themselves artisans, so a little recognition by their employer or the site owner ‘for a job well done’ will go a long way.  


Secondly, multi-skilling of core crews will enable work to be done in a more agile manner. When workers receive investment in their skills and training, along with continuity of work, they are more likely to be loyal to their employer. Longer term rosters, engagement, and a strong company culture are the three biggest contributors to workforce retention.  


And when workers are given their own Skills Passport (creating ownership over their training, credentials or when selecting their rosters) expect them to get to site quicker and be ready to be productive.  


In summary, there is no ‘silver bullet.’ However focusing on these key takeaways, organisations can drive better operational efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance productivity.  The question for your organisation to consider is: are you ready to collaborate?

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